Sunday 25 January 2009

Wednesday 21st January!x

Today's lesson was another planning lesson which by the end of we had to make our pitch to Tony, Andrew, Mickey & Marisa.

We started to go over the scenarios which we had thought of last lesson and picked the one which we fort was best, the toilet one. We then started to create a stronger narrative for this idea, We then story boarded the sequence of events which were to happen in the order which we wanted. After we done this we made a shot list to record which shot types and angles which we wanted to use.

We then made a plan of the props which we will need for our sequence this included red food die and a severed hand ?

During the second half of the lesson we were getting prepared to make our pitch to the rest of the class. The four judges then told us what were the good parts of our ideas and which parts may need to be changed. This constructive criticism was very helpful as although you don't want to be told your idea is bad, an outsiders view can help you to improve your idea and result in a better film opening.

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