Sunday 4 January 2009

Monday 15th December Blogging Lesson!x

Today we were asked to go down to the ICT suit to finish off our blogs and to add the ones we hadn't produced. We were also asked to write up an evaluation of what we learned from the practise filming session. Our 'film' was also uploaded onto our blog enabling us to watch it at any time.

Once we had finished our blogging we were asked to go back to the classroom where we were to watch to mini extracts from two different genre thriller fims; One was a kind of horror- thriller (Arlington Road) and the other an action-thriller (Collateral). In groups we were asked to make notes whilst watching, focusing mainly on the lighting, camera angles/shots, soundtracks/sound effects, the editing and the setting of each one. After analysing each of these short clips we had a better incite of how different types of thrillers build up suspense and keep their viewers on edge.

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