Monday 19 January 2009

Wednesday 14th January 2009!x

Today's lesson was the last one that we had to polish our Preliminary Task. We started by watching our short film through to see if any areas could be edit for the final result. We decided that the middle part didn't seem to right so we used Soundtrack Pro to create an ideal sound for this part. Once we were happy with the way our short film was, we compressed it, ready to put on our blog. the outcome of our sequence was enjoyable and i think we mastered the 'match-cut' task which we had set out to do.

For the second half of our lesson we were given our final project brief; to make a 2minute opening to a 'Thriller Film'. As a group we brainstormed possible ideas for our opening and firstly stated that our film would be an 18+. The reason we decided this is because it gives us endless possibilities of what we can do and gives us a wider range of issues which we can touch on. All thriller movies are usually 15+ which allows some violence and moderately strong language, taking this into account helped us to make our decision. We then started to think of possible narratives as we thought this would help us develop our opening easier.

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