Tuesday 27 January 2009

Our First Filmimg Session;; Monday 26/1/09

In today's lesson we went out and started filming parts of our opening sequence for our thriller film.

We first had to hire out the camera and tri-pod from the technicians and then we were off!

The first thing which we thought would be best to do is go down to the N1 centre and look for possible toilets which we could shoot the sequence in. After a long search we found one that would work perfect for us in a little side street tucked away. A advantage to this little place is that it seems eerie so it should be easy for us to build up tension.

We then started to film a part of the sequence where the girl (Lauren) is walking through the arch to get to the place where the toilet is. We used various different shots for this part including long shots, low angle shots and tracking shots; all of these will make it easier for us to edit our sequence when it comes to it and also use match cuts during our sequence. Whilst the others were filming i ran to Tescos to get some food colouring for a part of the sequence. This is one of the props which our opening REALLY need! Also Lauren came dressed in a 'going out' outfit which helps build a part of our narrative.

We didnt get to shoot all of our film in the short period of time we had but on wednesday we are ready to go and start asap!

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