Monday 5 January 2009

Thriller Opening Research!x Monday 5th Jan

In today's lesson we watched a 30 minute long documentary called 'watching.' It included various different opening extracts to films including: Seven, The Shining, A Touch of Evil and Casino. The reason we watched this was to give us ideas on the type of opening we could produce.

We could start our sequence like Casino; Start at the end, this gives an interesting yet exciting air of tension, the audience are left wanting answers. We see that we could also open our film like the way Seven is opened; short, sharp quick images into the life of a character, the starting credits placed on a black background gives an eerie feeling which shows the audience the film is going to be of dark events.

The documentory helped spark ideas of what we could do for our opening and left us wuth some potentially good creations which we want to use.

Once we watched the documentory we were shown a couple of thriller openings which were produced last year to guve ys a clearer incite to what we should be aiming towards. Both pieces we witnessed were A grades and both were very different which gives me confidence that my group could do a good piece which is of a high mark.

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