Monday 19 January 2009

Mondays Lesson 19th January!x

In today's lesson we carried on planning our openings. So far my group have come up with around 5/6 different scenarios all which are good but haven't got that spec of excellence.

The first sequence which we thought up was about a mother and child in a park. whilst the mother is pushing her child on a swing her phone rings so she turns around to pick it up. After her conversation on the phone she turns back around to see the child out of the swing and standing in the middle dazed. We liked this scenario as it has a air of suspense and suspicion but we were a bit stuck as we haven't got an actor who could play the child.

The second sequence was about a toilet tap that dripped out blood or sucked people up. we were not shore about this idea for various reasons but as discussing it expanded it to a toilet which once flushed has blood down it which means there is something in the system.

Another idea we had was to take short sharp clips of newspaper headlines and news reports of missing teenage girls, then cut to a woman laying down to go to sleep and as soon as her eyes close cut to a young girls face which is scared and shes crying. we all particularly liked this idea but for it to work properly it needs perfect camera work and we were all a bit hesitant in case we mess it up.

Overall i like all the ideas but am not sure they wouldn't work to create the atmostphere which we would like to achieve.

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