Wednesday 28 January 2009

Monday 26th Jan. Filming

Last week i was not able to come in due to my illness but i was inform by m group what we was going to do for our thriller. On Monday lesson me and my group went out filming in the N1 Centre but when we got there the scenery was not what we had in mind so we went searching for another suitable toilet which we found at the last minute in a Cafe. The Cafe is located in a small alley way path which is hidden.

We started filming our main character played by "Lauren". We had her walking towards the Cafe a couple of times to get the perfect shot angle when editing. "Lauren" was prepared and dressed or the part with the make-up on to make it more effective. We got some great shots of Lauren walking to the Cafe, with long shots and some match cuts shots of her boots. The lighting of the "Angel Square" makes the scene have a interesting look and timing because its orange and the lights were sort of dimmed.

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