Tuesday 13 January 2009

Monday 12th January Lesson!x

In Today's lesson, we edited the clips which my group shot on Wednesday (unfortunately i was not in to participate in the shooting due to health issues.) We synced together the clips to produce another practice short 'film'; The Preliminary Film.

From what i could tell by the clips produced by the rest of my group (Lauren, Bien & Vikki) they kept to the conventions of film, which we learnt e.g. the thirds rule, not leaving to much room above a chosen subject, the 5 second rule etc. I also feel that the match cuts which they produced were excellent, the way that they shot the same piece of the film in many different angles made editing so much easier. The only problem which we had which Mickey pointed out to us was, one of the clips was a different light to the other clips which made the film as a whole not work. So instead of using this clip we used snippets of other's to even out the scene and overall produce a good concise short film.

We used transitions to help create an essence of passing time. By doing this it helped give the film a tens-ish kind of atmosphere. We also started to edit the audio by adding certain sounds which we felt helped build up an eerie kind of tension which we think reflects a thriller.

Although we didn't finish off all the tweaking with the editing and audio, we are planning to attend a workshop Wednesday lunchtime to finish this film and have it uploaded onto our blog.

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