Monday 23 February 2009

Wednesday 5th Feb - Filming / editing lesson!x

As we were unable to film on Monday, we thought that today would be ideal, BUT as the mise - en - scene again wasn't right ( snow on the ground, wet etc.) we had to stay in college and start to edit. As we had already log and captured our footage we were at an advantage as all we needed to do was start putting the clips together in a sequence.

Once we were happy with the way that our film looked we began to insert transitions. We decided to play around with them so we could ideally create an air of tense atmosphere for our film. We also began inserting 'slugs' so that we could start to insert our title sequences. We chose to use slugs as some of our footage didn't add up and by inserting one it allowed us a couple of seconds which would help the story to become continuous.

We also went on to another program on the Macs which allows you to creat the style of text you want for your film and allow transitinons to happen to the titles to give it an extra edge.

We then started to look at slowing down one of our clips (the red flush) so as to give impact to the audience.

Overall i am happy with the way that we have edited our sequence is really good and i feel that we are ahead as none of the other groups have even logged and captured yet.

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