Thursday 26 February 2009

Wednesday 5th Feb. 09

As planned Monday was meant to be our filming day but due to the bad weather we could not follow what was planned. Therefore we missed out a lesson and on Wednesday the weather was still very poor so we had to stay inside. As there was nothing much to do my group and I, couldn't film again but we manage to edit the film, starting to put everything together to make everything flow smoothly. We some match cuts in the film and I personally thought that it was filmed really well, the camera angle and timings were accurate as how we imagined.

After adding some of the clips together we started to add some transitions to make the next slide flow better with the previous clip. We mostly used cross dissolve because this transition works best with most clips, and it is used in many films. When we was done with the first half of the film we watched it and discover that if the toilet scene was slowed down a bit more then it would give a special effect to the clip even more therefore we made the speed lower to 25%. At the end my group and myself really loved the outcome and was pleased with the camera angles.

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