Monday 23 February 2009

Wednesday 28th Jan - Filming After Lesson

As in today's lesson we were unable to film due to mise - en - scene problems we decided to meet up at 3 o clock and shoot some scenes then.

Me, Lauren and Vikki met up on the media floor and booked out a camera and a try pod. We then set out to the cafe which we had to film certain bits in. After getting conformation from the owner of the cafe we started filming various different shots in the cafe stairwell and in the toilet.

In order to make the film make sense Lauren had to dress exactly the same as she had done in previous shooting. We speed through the shots of her walking up the stairwell as we didnt want to caude too much conjestion. overall we shot far too much footage then what we needed which is good as it will be better for when we come to editing. We made shure that we suck to the 5 second rule vefore and after the acting started just so we could easily cut the bits out which we didnt want.

After much hard work and completing the shots in our desired destination we set off to take our things (camera and tri pod) back to the college.

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