Monday 23 February 2009

Monday 23rd Feb - Editing Lesson!x

In todays lesson we were informed that the deadline for our film was Friday. This ment that we had to work EXTRA hard in order to complete it to its deadline. When we got up our work we saw that all the clips had bin jumbled up which ment we had to start again from scratch. This was really annoying as we had produced some really good work in our last editing lesson.

We started again to put our clips into a sequence. We also had to log and capture more shots which Vikki Lauren and Bien shot in the last lesson (Wednesday 13th of Feb, i was unable to come in due to food poisening.)

After we had log and captured the footage we continued to edit our sequence the best we could during the time we had.

At the end of the lesson we planned to attend variuos workshops during this week to make sure our film is completed by friday.

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