Thursday 26 February 2009

Monday 9th Feb. 09

On Monday's lesson we carried on with our filming but not outside because we didn't bring our props and costumes to the lesson. Although we couldn't the film outside we thought we should film another part of the film instead since all we need to film is the character's face and the expression shown. The scene we was filiming was when the main character, Lauren, looks in the toilet system and figures out something is wrong.

Filming the scene was really hard because we had to get the lighting right, the position of the character's face and the prop in the right angle so you can still see the character's face and expression. We borrowed a big massive glass bowl to make the see through effect to see Lauren's face and what's inside the toilet system.

We thought that we should film from underneath the table but it didn't work quite right so we asked Mickey if he could advise us with a better idea. We ended up stacking to tables on top of each other and filmed it from underneath the table. We wanted Lauren to scream so the camera would catch the sound but it didn't. Even though the scream sound did not appear on the camera we still got a great camera shot.

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