Thursday 26 February 2009

Monday 19th January

In todays lesson my group continued with planning our thriller openings.At the moment we have only come up with a couple of different stories that we could use.
One of our favourite ideas was about a toilet tap that was dripping blood or that someone would splash water on their face look in the mirror and the water on their face turned into blood. unfortunatly we realised after talkin it over that their would be some problems with gettin the right look without it looking too fake.
Anouther good scenario was about a mother and her little boy playing in a park. When the little boy is on the swing the mums phone rings so she turns around to answere the call. When she turns back around the boy isn't on the swing but standing by the swing all dazed. We all really liked this scene but again we had trouble with finding a yound actor who could be in our thriller.
The third idea involved a load of short clips of newspaper clipings about missing girls. it then cuts to a close up of eyes opening you can hear the person panting and strugling and in her eyes you can see she is scared and crying. I personally liked this the most but it would have been very hard to film and also it was a very similar to many other groups.
Although we had come up with some good ideas i dont think any of them are good enough for our group to produce.

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