Thursday 26 March 2009

Wednesday 5th February

Today we were unable to do more filming as the weather wasn't right again. Because of this we had to carry on editing from the lesson on monday but because we had already log and captured the previous lesson we only had to edit the clips together.
After playing around with the clips for a little while we started to insert some transitions so our thriller would flow better. When that was all sorted we started inserting 'slugs' which were clips empty black screen were we could place text on top of. The slugs would also help to make the clips flow better so if a piece of clip was missing we could place a slug in its place to make the film look better and without it looking weird or like something is out of place. 
After we had entered some transitions and slugs we went on to another program which helped us create proper titles for our thriller opening.
So far we are a lot further ahead compared to the other groups so that gives me a big confidence boost as we would have a lot better chance of finishing our thriller properly without any problems.  

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