Friday 27 March 2009

Evaluation of 'mortal remains'

Evaluation of ‘Mortal remains’
The thriller clip ‘Mortal Remains’ develops conventions of real media products, through the use of normal settings and costumes and intensifying music as the most shocking or significant scene appears for example the end clip of when the audience and ‘Lauren’ the main actor shockingly discovers a hand randomly floating.

This influence has come from Watching the thriller ‘The shining’ to create ideas for ou/Users/student/Desktop/images.jpgr own thriller clip. The shining is defined as a thriller because unexpected and unpleasant things happen in a setting that its least expected.
There are several factors, which enable this film to be freaky. The lighting used at the beginning of the film is bright which invites the audience to assume this is going to be a pleasant film. However later this idea is contradicted. Throughout the film, the camera angels and clips create suspense and tension for the viewer as they feel a hint that something unpleasant is there or going to happen. For example the camera tracking the little boy while riding down the corridor and then leading to the mid shot of the door and door number and then the camera following the boy’s facial expressions looking through the door by titling the camera, low angle shot. Therefore, these camera shots create hints of protagonist thoughts, feelings, and events that are occurring or will occur. The instrumental sound effects the violin and piano gradually built up faster and louder. This could make the audience anxious to know what is going to happen but also anxious for the characters especially if the audience is creating empathy. The editing cuts away unpleasant scenes for the viewer but allows the viewers mind to travel and generally to think of the most pessimistic views. For example, the camera is on the boy for a couple of seconds but then instantly cuts to theses two freaky looking girls. They look freaky because of there makeup and facial expressions, however they were wearing the normal costume wear which makes people assume there just normal people but we later find out there back from the dead haunting this innocent little boy.

Also another stimulus we used to influence our clip was a documentary about film openings. The documentary consisted of peoples opinions on a successful opening to a film. Thomas Sutcliffe said: ‘Films need to seduce their audience into long term commitment. While there are many types of seduction, the temptation to go for instant arousal is most irresistible’ clearly, this quote suggests the opening of films have to keep the viewer engaged by slowly seducing the audience. In other words have a romantic candle light dinner and then make love rather than making love straight away because it won’t keep sustained interest and therefore the viewer may be directed into changing the channel. This is ultimately Jean Jacques Beineix view on the risk of ‘instant arousal’
Another quote states ‘a good beginning must make the audience feel that it doesn’t know nearly enough yet, and at the same time make sure that it doesn’t know too little’ this suggest the audience need to be kept on their toes. Therefore, this means don’t give to much information away to all at once. Keeps the audience guessing what exactly will happen next, to avoid lack of interest. In the documentary Stanley Kauffmann describes how a classical opening is like. He states a classical opening is first established by a shot of the window and then through the window, in the reception then into the office and

An example of a Niche audience success was ‘four weddings and a Funeral’ in 1994, believing the artistic integrity brings success.
To attract and address I will use many different marketing methods. My thriller is a ‘horror/thriller’ genre. The most frightening part is when ‘Lauren’ discovers the chopped hand in the toilet. Therefore I would place the most significant and eye catching clips on YouTube to market my media product, this idea has derived from British film, Severance.
It is a fast, simple and incredibly effective way of advertising a new film to consumers on the internet is through display advertising. This visual format will hopefully engage the audience by sending quick snapshot trailers of my thriller opening.
(Clips shown that have been selected)
This will allow advertising of demographics like location interest. I would also promote my film of Yahoo! Movies, Film Guardian, Empire Online and many more.
If these previous methods of marketing my media product are successful I would maybe move onto a wider audience to advertise across websites and on billboards, adverts, buses as this will create awareness of my film and more popularity essentially means more profit. I would re-edit clips making them short, fast and snappy for trailers to be viewed in the cinemas. ‘The more popularity, the more profit’.

This media product I have created has taught me many practical skills. I have become aware that technology is a major aspect in aiding production of a successful film. I have learnt how to use modern digital cameras and using software like final cut pro to produce a film and also to manipulate effects like sound, lighting, also how to put credits and subtitles onto a clip, adjusting length of time viewing credits and clips.
Also I learnt how to use soundtrack pro allowing music to relate to the thriller clips which in this case the diegetic sound of the heart beat creates a scared and tense atmosphere of expecting to see something unpleasant eg: the hand appearing in the toilet with blood.
Ultimately access to technology makes your film clip successful.
internet has allowed me to do online blogging reminding me what I have achieved gradually in the process of creating the thriller opening but also what I have remaining.
Using vimeo and blogger, it has shown me it is a successful way and communicating to all social networking sites. Also the internet has taught me an understanding of production companies, how to distribute through marketing and also the consumption, therefore the internet has played a big role in helping me widened my potential audience for my media product.

finally the camera following the character. He believes this works well because the order is neatly laid out. Kyle Cooper's title sequence to the film "Seven" creates tension for the viewer wanting them to find out more. Through the use of close ups and blade cuttings, sewing using a needle and pieces of things teared apart could reflect the man is violent or a psycho.

After carrying out a preliminary task I have learnt that a ‘match cut’ is when one thing is shown from different angels. (Showing the clock- time is passing) I have learnt many skills that are very significant for film making. Post production skills have been learnt for example storyboarding, filming, editing sound and adding in special effects.
The major post production companies are: ‘Moving Picture Company ’, ‘Ascent media’ ‘Cinesite’ etc.

‘Lauren’ the main character wears casual clothing and make up which represents the majority teenager working, middle class girls in society today after a night out, stereotyping them as not so educated. Laurens actions and behavior, putting on make up, highlights the stereotypical idealistic gender role in society, having to look attractive. Therefore I believe my media product ‘Mortal remains’ focuses directly at teenager if not older between childhood and adulthood. However it will start for a ‘Niche’ audience because it is an unknown central character, but can possibly develop bigger, mainly depending on the target audience’s language, time period, star appeal, and the type of genre of film they are interested in personally. Also costume and location could potentially determine what viewers are interested in watching a particular film.

My media product would more likely to be distributed through a small independent UK release, distributed around small number of ‘arthouse’ cinemas because of normal locations, ordinary costumes and unpopular people, living an ordinary life style.
Similarly, The UK independent release ‘London to Brighton’ have unknown actors like Lorrain Stanley & Jonny Harris and the location is in London and Brighton houses were there actually on the same road in London. I will use ‘London to Brighton’ as an example to guide me in the correct direction. This film has been produced by Vertigo films, Wellington film. The director is Andrew William. Andrew Bolton: independent financer’s initial budget was £60k budget. The UK film council provided £205,000 after initial shoot to fund post productions to advertise and distribute. They distributed by Vertigo films, mk2 diffusion, paradiso, noble entertainment. A premier in Edinburgh. It won a best new director Award at Edinburgh film festival in 2006. ‘London to Brighton’ became a UK release in December 06. It got brilliant critical reception and there was a DVD release April 07. The UK box office took $348,245 in the first 4 months. And the Global Box office in the first 4 months made $449,681.

As the activity of Lauren the lead character in ‘Mortal Remains’ involves a normal situation eg: coming back from a party is a conventional idea of a niche audience target. However the unexpected and less conventional aspect of the thriller clip is when the hand and blood appears in the toilet. Therefore my media product will sell to a Niche audience to begin with and maybe eventual develop form their

Adjustment we made:
At the end we shorten the walking by just recording Lauren on the second to las staircase. Got rid of a ripple affect of the toilet, as this made the scene look animated. Also when lauren walked into the room, it looked as though she was walking in twice and so we adjusted this to make it look as though she enters only once. we also made the end bit slightly longer as this was the most significant part of the thriller.

finally the camera following the character. He believes this works well because the order is neatly laid out. Kyle Cooper's title sequence to the film "Seven" creates tension for the viewer wanting them to find out more. Through the use of close ups and blade cuttings, sewing using a needle and pieces of things teared apart could reflect the man is violent or a psycho.

After carrying out a preliminary task I have learnt that a ‘match cut’ is when one thing is shown from different angels. (Showing the clock- time is passing) I have learnt many skills that are very significant for film making. Post production skills have been learnt for example storyboarding, filming, editing sound and adding in special effects.
The major post production companies are: ‘Moving Picture Company ’, ‘Ascent media’ ‘Cinesite’ etc.

‘Lauren’ the main character wears casual clothing and make up which represents the majority teenager working, middle class girls in society today after a night out, stereotyping them as not so educated. Laurens actions and behavior, putting on make up, highlights the stereotypical idealistic gender role in society, having to look attractive. Therefore I believe my media product ‘Mortal remains’ focuses directly at teenager if not older between childhood and adulthood. However it will start for a ‘Niche’ audience because it is an unknown central character, but can possibly develop bigger, mainly depending on the target audience’s language, time period, star appeal, and the type of genre of film they are interested in personally. Also costume and location could potentially determine what viewers are interested in watching a particular film.

My media product would more likely to be distributed through a small independent UK release, distributed around small number of ‘arthouse’ cinemas because of normal locations, ordinary costumes and unpopular people, living an ordinary life style.
Similarly, The UK independent release ‘London to Brighton’ have unknown actors like Lorrain Stanley & Jonny Harris and the location is in London and Brighton houses were there actually on the same road in London. I will use ‘London to Brighton’ as an example to guide me in the correct direction. This film has been produced by Vertigo films, Wellington film. The director is Andrew William. Andrew Bolton: independent financer’s initial budget was £60k budget. The UK film council provided £205,000 after initial shoot to fund post productions to advertise and distribute. They distributed by Vertigo films, mk2 diffusion, paradiso, noble entertainment. A premier in Edinburgh. It won a best new director Award at Edinburgh film festival in 2006. ‘London to Brighton’ became a UK release in December 06. It got brilliant critical reception and there was a DVD release April 07. The UK box office took $348,245 in the first 4 months. And the Global Box office in the first 4 months made $449,681.

As the activity of Lauren the lead character in ‘Mortal Remains’ involves a normal situation eg: coming back from a party is a conventional idea of a niche audience target. However the unexpected and less conventional aspect of the thriller clip is when the hand and blood appears in the toilet. Therefore my media product will sell to a Niche audience to begin with and maybe eventual develop form their.

Feed back for my thriller clip came from my peers after viewing my thriller clip in cinemas as well on ‘YouTube’. ‘Liked the different types of shot types used’, mise en scene was really like to show a normal location in London. ‘Pete’ said the soundtrack has been well chosen, creating suspense which is very successful.
‘Oneme’ said the use of color created the idea of normal settings where you don’t expect weird things to suddenly appear or happen. He also said camera shots reflected the different moods of the situations and worked also well with the soundtrack selected.

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