Thursday 26 March 2009

Wednesday 21st January

In todays lesson we had to make the final decisions for our thriller because at the end of the lesson we had to pitch our ideas to Tony, Andrew, Marisa and Mickey.
When we started talking over what we had already thought of the previous lesson we picked one of the best ones but changed it slightly. We Decided on the scenario where the tap dripped blood but instead we had a toilet that when it was flushed blood came out from the system. Now that we had chosen that storyline we built on it so we could produce a storyboard, this was to help us with the pitch. After we had done the storyboarding we created a shot list which included shot types and angles for each of the shots. We then started deciding on the props we would need for our thirller e.g. food dye.
For the second half of the lesson we stated prepping ourselves for the pitch to the class and the 'judges'. After we had pitch our idea the judges gave us feedback on what they fort were good ideas and what we should change. This was helpful for our group because knowing what a unbias view was on our plans helped us improve our work.

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