Monday 9 March 2009

Wednesday 25th February Editing Lesson!x

In today's lesson we carried on editing from where we left off in workshop. We finished off adding slugs in our sequence then entered Live Type, a programme that you can make your film credits on, and started to do so. We still didn't have a 'proper title' for our film so Andrew came up with an idea to give us a dictionary so we could come up with one. After 20 minutes of putting random words together, Rashpul came up with the name 'Mortal Remains' which sounded perfect for our film and so it stuck.

We also made some scenes shorter as they seemed to make more sense and looked better. The main shot which we cut down is the mirror shot of Lauren fixing her make up. The camera was rather shakey which ruined the footage, so we cut it down enough to not see this. Not only did we do this but we took out the ripple effect between the flush and the mirror scene as it looked 'fake' and took away suspense.

Once we were happy with how our film looked, we exported it into Soundtrack where we started to mess around with different effects and sounds.

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