Friday 27 March 2009

referring to my thriller on the thriller clip:

Mortal Remains from 283goswell on Vimeo.

we used a range of shots to convey different atmospheres :
the camera following up the building is when the camera is titled, following the building, suggesting that the room that 'Lauren' will use

close ups of 'laurens' face to show her shocked facial expression when seeing the hand and blood in the toilet
have an over the shoulder shot when 'Lauren' puts her make up
also close up and over the shoulder shot when lauren looks into the toilet.
tracking when laurens walking at the beginning
a match cut showing the same thing with lauren walking
close up of lauren lifting the system and when the blood comes gushing out smybolies 'the shining idea' of the blood gushing out. the non-diegetic sound used exaggerates the gushing of the blood making it sound freaky.
The scream at the end is also non- diegetic to convey 'lauren's fear. but the at the beginning 
when the car passes lauren at the beginning we kept the diegetic sound to create the idea of a normal setting and surrounding however as she enters the toilet we begin to do close ups to create dramatic tension for the audience knowing something is going to happen. 

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