Wednesday 3 December 2008

Wednesdays Lesson!x 3/12/2008

Today when we arrived in lesson we were sat down and given a DETAILED tutorial on how to use the video cameras which we were going to be provided with. We learned how to switch it on & off, put in the film, use a tri-pod, manual focus, playback and much more.

After the tutorial we started to plan which shots we were going to use. We were also given two new aditions to our group, Vikki and Rashpul, which was a benifit as we saw this as an oppertunity to expand our narrative. We briefly prepared a story board for our narrative making sure we included the compulsory shots (ECU, tracking shot && an over the shoulder shot)

Once we had planned our story board we went out and started our filming.

For our first shot we went into the main hall. We decided on using a low angle panning shot for our first scene in which you could only see the feet of our first character. We done this so as to build suspense for the audience.

During our filming process we made sure that ALL members of our group got to film a piece, whether hand held or using the tri-pod, this helped us as individuals to become much more comfortable with the equiptment but more importantly, with each other.

We spent most of the lesson shooting our story in short sections/frames making sure that we left space at the beggining and end, so for us to edit and insert transitions in our editing lesson.

Overall my group shot 14 minuites of film which i am very please about and although we didnt have time to watch it all back i am confident that we shot enough footage to be able to put together a strong story, full of tension and atmostphere, but we will have to wait and see!

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