Monday 8 December 2008

Monday 1st December

In today's lesson we started on a new topic, making a thriller. We started by getting put into groups, i was put into a group with Grace and Bien. After that we went into the ICT suit to have a tutorial showing us how to use final cut. We learnt how to cut and  put clips together and how to use transitions. We had to practice this on a short film. We had to put all the clips together to make sense of what is going on.

When we finished that we went back to the class where we were given a task to do for next lesson. We had to film a scene of people playing cards but build suspense and create atmosphere using camera shots and angles. We were given a brief of what we had to include in our short film, a minimum of 12 shots, over shoulder shot and a tracking shot.

While we was reading the brief we decided together all the props we would need for the short film. we decided on, monopoly money, brief case, poker chips, gold chains, bow tie, shirt and sun glasses.

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