Wednesday 3 December 2008

Moday's Lesson 8th Dec.

On Monday we was given a new assignment which was to make our own thriller film. To start us off, we was ask to go in to the computer room to have a little tutorial on how to edit a mini clip to another and use transitions between them. I learnt how to edit clips, such as cutting junk sections out and keeping the relevant sections. It was honestly a great exercise to do, to get to know how to use it like a professional. After we finished, I was revealed what group I was in. I'm with Grace and Lauren.

Straight after we was put into groups, our tasks was to write a brief on what we wanted in our first practiced filming clip which was about a card game. The main tasks was to create an atmosphere of suspense and mystery, by creating this scene we had the choice of shot distance, camera angle and its movement. The minimum of the task was to create atleast 12 shots including ECU, tracking and a over the shoulder shot.

We had a little discussion on what to prop to bring and the basic storyboard of the film. We decided to create tension, a dark room is most suitable. Also big sunglasses to create mysterious effect.

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