Tuesday 2 December 2008

Mondays Lesson!x

In yesterdays Media lesson with Tony were we introduced into our next section of the course; Making our thriller.

We had to go to the ICT suit and watch a tutorial for 'Final Cut.' We were shown how to edit footage, use transitions and create our films by putting different pieces of footage together. We had a practice on another short 'film' in which we all had to make meaning out of the clips we were given. By the end of this tutorial i was confident in knowing how to use and wanting to use 'Final Cut.'

When we got back to our class we were put into our groups. I am with Lauren && Bien which i am really happy about as i get on with both of them and think we will be able to produce some good work.

We were then set a task; We were given a brief on what we were to do for our filming practice. We have to film part of a game of cards using props being provided. We have to create an atmosphere of suspense and mystery through the choice of shot distance, choice of camera angle and movement of camera. We have a minimum of 12 shots in which we have to include an ECU, A tracking shot and an over the shoulder shot.

After reading the brief me and the girls sat and discussed possible ideas of what we could do and finally came up with a basic story line. (Which i am keeping secret!)

Props what we decided to bring in ourselves are:

  • A cigarette/ cigarettes
  • Poker chips?/ Connect 4 chips?
  • Monopoly Money?
  • Big glasses
  • Waist coat
  • Bow Tie?
  • Brief case?
  • Gold Jewellery
  • Deodorant (to make it smokey)

We felt that these props would all help make the story a bit more tense and typical of a normal (high stakes) card game.

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