Tuesday 16 December 2008

Wednesday 10th Viewing Everybodys Work

At the beginning of this lesson we were able to view the other groups work. It was nice to see how other people interpreted the task. It was also nice to see what people thought of our short film. All of the films were very different but all great.

After seeing all the films we went back into the classroom and we all brainstormed about Thrillers. We all discussed the main conventions of thrillers, such as what were the tipical directors of this genres, what films were thrillers, etc.

After that we watched a tipical thriller, The Shining by Stanley Kubrick. While watching this we had to pick up on the sertain scenes that used different techniques to build up tention.

Tuesday 9th Workshop

Because our group had failed to finish our short film in time me and Grace had come to workshop to finish it off. Firstly we finished placing all the different clips in the order we wanted them. Then we put in some transitions in to create more tention in the atmosphere.

Over all i was very happy with our short film but we had some problems with the audio so we know that we need to perfect the audio for our next piece of work.

Monday 15 December 2008

Blogging Lesson

In today's lesson we was asked to write up our Evaluation and make sure all the blogs are up-to-date, what needs to be filled in, should be filled in. Our mini video was also uploaded on to "Blogger" and watching it again was good to see. After blogging we was asked to watch 2 mini clips of two completely different thrillers, one was kind of scary and the other was a action thriller. They were called, "Arlington Road" and the other, "Collateral". Our task was to analyse each clip writing what the lighting was, camera, music, editing and setting of each one.


In the practice filming session I had to get into groups and try to create a scene where there will be suspense and tension in the mini clip. Also in the clip we had to include an over the shoulder shot. To create different atmosphere we used all different kind of camera angle and some props were been used.

We were all happy with our camera angles and shots. The filming actually took a good 14 minutes of recording even though the mini clip is meant to be short. The shot that stood out the most was probably the extreme close-up shots, it was really effective because it showed tension in the scene and moreover the other extreme close-up shot we had in the mini clip with the glasses showed a bit of the character’s eye and the reflection of the cards. I personally thought that all the camera shots were fine and it worked really well with the transitions. The only negative thing is that the audio in the background was still in the exact position when there were some bits that weren’t appropriate.

The edits of the film was sharp and snappy, it went really well together probably because we had 14 minutes of recording. The transition used faded really well with each scene especially the one shown of the other 3 characters reaction; it was like one came after the other in a reasonable amount of time changing.

I learnt quite a few things about Mise en Scene such as props and costume are fairly important to filming because it helps viewers to understand more about the character and what they are doing. The way the characters stand and move basically all their actions, affects their character. I also learnt that the lighting can affect the mood of the clip such as dimming the lights creates the mysterious and serious atmosphere.

There were a moment in the mini clip where were some suspenseful moment like when the camera focuses on the two main characters, flipping backwards and forwards to generate suspense. The camera shows an extreme close-up on the “Grace”, which shows her eyes and face (sweat).

We pretty much filled everything in and I personally thought that the outcome came out really well. We followed all the instruction such as using the tri-pod correctly, using the extra 5 second rule before and after each shot and how to use the video camera properly.

The positive feedback that we got from our teacher and class was that the blends of the transition worked really well and the story line was fine. Everything scene worked well and my teacher especially like the shot of the character’s eye with the glasses with the reflection of the cards.

The practice filming session was definitely fun to be apart in. I got to work in groups, sharing my ideas with others and making a great mini clip about card game. Although it was practice, I learnt a lot and I will definitely remember all the skills I learnt and hopefully produce a great thriller film.
Monday 1st December 2008
We were given a new assignment. This was to create a thriller film. We then went to the computer room to learn the following:
Put clips together
Cut clips
Add transitions
We then got into groups of 5
Our first task was to create a practice film clip that involved a card game. We made sure we were taking in account of angle shots, distance. To create an effect of suspense and mystery. We planned our storyboard and discussed the props we needed to use for the thriller. For example: sunglasses for bien to look mysterious. We made 12 shots.

Wednesday 3rd December 2008
This lesson was the practical part of the assignment.
So Andrew our media teacher taught us how to manage a camera for our filming.
He showed us how to switch the camera on and off, put it on a tripod, rewind, forward, play, stop, record and put it on a standby, position taking in account the different types of shots. After using the detailed storyboard, we started recording. We were 1st located in the new hall. Whereby we used a panning shot to record biens’s boots while walking. We continued doing several shots mid shots and close ups, handheld on the tripod to see the dealers and the players facial expressions during the game and after the game when grace won the game. We all made sure everyone in the group was in the thriller as well as doing the recording.

Monday 8th December 15, 2008
We viewed the thriller tape. We then saved the clips on the final cut pro therefore this meant the clips were safe and secure. This enabled me to capture the clips by pressing the play button on the camera and clicked ESC button on the keyboard on each take. The uploaded clips, we began to edit them.

Monday 8th Editing Lesson

In today's lesson we went to the editing suit to piece together the filming we had done on wednesdays lesson. We sat in a group to edit our film together making sure everyone had a chance to try editing. Each group was given a harddrive where we all had to start capturing the
different clips on final cut pro and then save it all on our harddrive.

We then went on to edit all the different clips we wanted to be put together. Although we had started editing all the clips together we were unable to finish editing it in time so our group decided that Grace and I would come to workshop and finish it off.

editing lesson

Wednesday 3rd Filming Lesson

In today's lesson we started by having a tutorial on how to use all the camera equipment, so we knew what to do while we was out filming on our own.  We were shown how to put the  camera onto the tripod and how to turn the camera on/off, take the tape out and how to rewind back and look over what we had recorded.

After the tutorial we made a quick storyboard so we knew what we were doing, then we went to start filming. We started the filming down in the cafeteria to film the first couple of shots of Bien's feet. Our second scene was set up in our classroom where we done the rest of the filming.

We made sure that everyone in our group took part in everything, eg: everyone had a chance to film and be on screen. 

In order for us to edit easily we left five seconds before and after we started the scene. We also filmed fourteen minuets worth of footage so we had enough action for a good short film. 

Wednesday 10th 2008

On Wednesday lesson we watched all the groups video clips to overview the good points about the camera angle and also discuss how does each clip gives out the mysterious and tension effect. After watching all our clips we head back to class and made a brainstorm on Thriller, talking about different conventions such as; Sci-Fi thriller, Comedy thriller and Action thriller.

We then watched a thriller film called "The Shining" by Stanley Kubrick and we was asked to look at each scene carefully to see the camera angles and how it makes the scene appropriate for the situation. i.e camera zooming in and out quickly to produce scary effect.

Wednesday 10 December 2008

Wednesday 10th December!x

In todays lesson we viewed all of the seporate groups' short film about cards. It was really interesting to see everybody elses take on the work given to us, and i think everyones pieces were great!

After watching all of them we went back to the classroom and started making a brainstrom about Thrillers. We started to think about all different conventions of a thriller such as the music and the lighting etc. We also came up with a range of Thriller genres including Horror Thrillers, Sci - Fi Thrillers, Action Thrillers And Even Comedy Thrillers. After thinking of types of Thrillers we started to brainstorm names of Thriller films which included Silence of The Lambs, Psycho, What Lies Beneath & The Bourne Identity.

After brainstorming all our thoughhts about Thriller films we sat and watched The Shining by Stanley Kubrick. The reason we watched this Thriller film was to help us see the sounds and camera angles used to help build suspense and tension.


Yesterday me and lauren attended a lunch time workshop in order to finish off our editing for our 'short film.'

We finished off putting all the clips in which we wanted and then started to use transitions in order to give the overall feeling of the film a more tense atmostphere.

We still wasn't able to get rid of some of the audio which we didnt want but have decided that we will experiment with it more on the next project we do as there wasnt any time left.

I am overly pleased about the work we have produced during the last week and feel as though we have took alot on board for the next time we start a similar piece of work.

Tuesday 9 December 2008

Monday 1st December Lesson!x

In today's lesson we were sent to the editing suit to download all the shots we took in Wednesdays lesson. Firstly we were given our Hard Drives (number 59) and had to connect them the way we were taught in the tutorial we had before. We were then taught how to capture the clips on Final Cut Pro by using the capture now button followed by the ESC key on the keyboard.

Once we had uploaded all our clips onto the Hard Drive in their separate states, we were free to start editing our sequence as we wished. We started by choosing which clips we wanted and which order we wanted them in. We started to add a few transitions to help our story flow better. we haven't fully completed the editing but are prepared to come to workshop during tomorrow lunch to try and finish.

Although i am pleased with what we have done but i am a bit disappointed with some of the audio in the background so we will have to ask how we can do that tomorrow but apart from that things are going well!

Monday 8 December 2008

Monday 1st December

In today's lesson we started on a new topic, making a thriller. We started by getting put into groups, i was put into a group with Grace and Bien. After that we went into the ICT suit to have a tutorial showing us how to use final cut. We learnt how to cut and  put clips together and how to use transitions. We had to practice this on a short film. We had to put all the clips together to make sense of what is going on.

When we finished that we went back to the class where we were given a task to do for next lesson. We had to film a scene of people playing cards but build suspense and create atmosphere using camera shots and angles. We were given a brief of what we had to include in our short film, a minimum of 12 shots, over shoulder shot and a tracking shot.

While we was reading the brief we decided together all the props we would need for the short film. we decided on, monopoly money, brief case, poker chips, gold chains, bow tie, shirt and sun glasses.

Computer Editing

In today's media lesson our group had to review the previous tape, which was recorded last lesson. We uploaded everything on the hard-drive so that everything is safely secure. We then was taught how to capture the clips by pressing the play button on the cam-recorder and also clicking the Esc button on the keyboard, on each take.

When we was done uploading all the clips, we each a turn to edit the film on Final Cut Pro. We used our skills from last media lesson about editing mini clips, adding them together and creating transition between each clip to flow smoothly. We started off with the "boots" scene because we wanted to wanted to create a mysterious atmosphere. After selecting the wanted scene and deleting the unwanted ones, we tried to make our way through the rest of the clips to make everything smooth and clear.

Wednesday 3 December 2008

Practical Lesson

In today's lesson we was asked to record our film but first we had a tutorial lesson at the start on how to use the camera, tripod in a mature manner. I did not realize how sensitive they are and there is also a certain way you have to use it otherwise the camera could damage.

A long while after we was asked to plan out our full storyboard, detailing exactly where the location was, what type of angle shot it is and what prop we was going to use for that particular scene. During our discussion Vikki and Rashpul was asked to join the group which gave us an advantage on our mini film.

We started off filming in the main hall to give viewers the character walking and this creates tension and a mysterious effect. Filming this part we used a low angle shot panning from right to left. Each and everyone of us got to use the camera to each have a go on how to use it and decide whether it should be handheld or on a tri-pod. When we finished recording we playback the tape and was pleased with the outcome.

Moday's Lesson 8th Dec.

On Monday we was given a new assignment which was to make our own thriller film. To start us off, we was ask to go in to the computer room to have a little tutorial on how to edit a mini clip to another and use transitions between them. I learnt how to edit clips, such as cutting junk sections out and keeping the relevant sections. It was honestly a great exercise to do, to get to know how to use it like a professional. After we finished, I was revealed what group I was in. I'm with Grace and Lauren.

Straight after we was put into groups, our tasks was to write a brief on what we wanted in our first practiced filming clip which was about a card game. The main tasks was to create an atmosphere of suspense and mystery, by creating this scene we had the choice of shot distance, camera angle and its movement. The minimum of the task was to create atleast 12 shots including ECU, tracking and a over the shoulder shot.

We had a little discussion on what to prop to bring and the basic storyboard of the film. We decided to create tension, a dark room is most suitable. Also big sunglasses to create mysterious effect.

Wednesdays Lesson!x 3/12/2008

Today when we arrived in lesson we were sat down and given a DETAILED tutorial on how to use the video cameras which we were going to be provided with. We learned how to switch it on & off, put in the film, use a tri-pod, manual focus, playback and much more.

After the tutorial we started to plan which shots we were going to use. We were also given two new aditions to our group, Vikki and Rashpul, which was a benifit as we saw this as an oppertunity to expand our narrative. We briefly prepared a story board for our narrative making sure we included the compulsory shots (ECU, tracking shot && an over the shoulder shot)

Once we had planned our story board we went out and started our filming.

For our first shot we went into the main hall. We decided on using a low angle panning shot for our first scene in which you could only see the feet of our first character. We done this so as to build suspense for the audience.

During our filming process we made sure that ALL members of our group got to film a piece, whether hand held or using the tri-pod, this helped us as individuals to become much more comfortable with the equiptment but more importantly, with each other.

We spent most of the lesson shooting our story in short sections/frames making sure that we left space at the beggining and end, so for us to edit and insert transitions in our editing lesson.

Overall my group shot 14 minuites of film which i am very please about and although we didnt have time to watch it all back i am confident that we shot enough footage to be able to put together a strong story, full of tension and atmostphere, but we will have to wait and see!

Tuesday 2 December 2008

Mondays Lesson!x

In yesterdays Media lesson with Tony were we introduced into our next section of the course; Making our thriller.

We had to go to the ICT suit and watch a tutorial for 'Final Cut.' We were shown how to edit footage, use transitions and create our films by putting different pieces of footage together. We had a practice on another short 'film' in which we all had to make meaning out of the clips we were given. By the end of this tutorial i was confident in knowing how to use and wanting to use 'Final Cut.'

When we got back to our class we were put into our groups. I am with Lauren && Bien which i am really happy about as i get on with both of them and think we will be able to produce some good work.

We were then set a task; We were given a brief on what we were to do for our filming practice. We have to film part of a game of cards using props being provided. We have to create an atmosphere of suspense and mystery through the choice of shot distance, choice of camera angle and movement of camera. We have a minimum of 12 shots in which we have to include an ECU, A tracking shot and an over the shoulder shot.

After reading the brief me and the girls sat and discussed possible ideas of what we could do and finally came up with a basic story line. (Which i am keeping secret!)

Props what we decided to bring in ourselves are:

  • A cigarette/ cigarettes
  • Poker chips?/ Connect 4 chips?
  • Monopoly Money?
  • Big glasses
  • Waist coat
  • Bow Tie?
  • Brief case?
  • Gold Jewellery
  • Deodorant (to make it smokey)

We felt that these props would all help make the story a bit more tense and typical of a normal (high stakes) card game.